Award winning natural skincare. Christine will be at Linlithgow Spring Fayre (Lawrie Hall Level 2) Sat 15th March (10-4pm). Come and discuss your natural skincare and try a few products (whilst stocks lasts). Some great gift ideas

Why use natural skincare?

How do you know what you are putting on your skin? Is it good for you? First things first, check the ingredients. Should you be worried about ingredients with long chemical names? Perhaps. Does the product contain parfum?

We only use natural ingredients. We don't use fillers, parfum or add chemicals to make the product more attractive. Our products are designed by a clinical aromatherapist and smell as they naturally should. 

We also use minimal, but attractive packaging. Many High Street brands spend a great deal on the packaging to make them more appealing. Have a try and view the ingredients before you buy.

Our Face Oils are award winning. Give them a try!

#naturalskincare #handoil #footoil #soapdishes #freefromskincareawards2023

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