Award winning natural skincare. Christine will be at Linlithgow Spring Fayre (Lawrie Hall Level 2) Sat 15th March (10-4pm). Come and discuss your natural skincare and try a few products (whilst stocks lasts). Some great gift ideas

The feel and smell of Natural Skincare

There is something delightful about washing with natural products. The natural soap bar sits nicely in your hand, smells terrific and feels, well "natural". I can wash all over, including my hair (the Rosemary Essential Oil is good for my hair follicles and my memory!). The smell is fresh and envigorating. Now I dry off, adding some Foot Oil to my feet, which makes them feel "looked after". I have been putting in some miles and the oil helps with dry bits and a little sense of luxury. I also dab on two drops of Face Oil. I like No3 as it is slightly citrus, which I adore.

Natural, no plastic and its doing me good.

#faceoilsno1no2no3 #handoil #naturalskincare #footoil #oilforhands

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