Award winning natural skincare. Our first market will be West Linton on 1st March.

As we age, we need a little bit more help for our skin

Our skin (the largest organ in your body) does a great job keeping out bad stuff and also makes us feel good. However it gets a battering from the sun, from hot water in the shower and chemicals that surround us in everyday life. As we age our skin has lost its elasticity of youth and needs a little more help. Try our Hand Oil for sore/dry hands, our Body Oil for arms/legs/torso and our Foot Oil for feet with hard skin/dry skin conditions including athletes foot.

If you have not tried a Face Oil, give it a try. Non-greasy and penetrates deeper than a cream. Smells devine. Our Face Oils are award winning from the Free from Skincare Awards.

We are vegan, re-cycle and re-use and our Face Oil labels are bio-degradeable from @thegreenlabelcompany.

#freefromskincareawards #handoil #aromatherapy #soapmatters #vegan #thegreenlabelcompany

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